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Vision & Mission

"To Disciple a Spirit Filled Generation into becoming Transformative Influencers"

The principle of discipleship is evident through-out the Bible which Jesus Himself modelled. We believe to be discipled and to disciple someone else is essential to spiritual growth and personal maturity.
Spirit Filled Generation
We want to help raise a generation of young people who are wholly dependent on the Holy Spirit. Not just in a Christian context, but all the time! Young people should be accustomed to allowing the Holy Spirit to work in them and through them just like Jesus did.
In an era where information is overloading our young people let’s make sure they’re getting the right information. We want well informed people to go out into the world and make transformative changes impacting their surroundings. 
Whether in schools, colleges, universities or in local areas – wherever they are, they should be the ones directing the conversations and influencing their peers with Kingdom thinking and ideas.


© 2020 by GB4Y

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